Worship with us!
We are an international congregation of more than 215 members from nearly 40 countries and as many Christian traditions, worshipping together in English in the United Methodist tradition.
We invite you to join us for in-person worship every Sunday morning at 11:15 at Sechshauser Strasse 56. Sunday School for children aged 6-14 is held during the worship service every Sunday. A nursery room for young children is provided during the service.
Please note: Due to a renovation project in our church sanctuary, our worship service is held in the fellowship area on the first floor of the church building. Follow the signs or the directions of the ushers to the worship space.
As always, you also may worship with us online, by clicking on the button below on Sunday morning, or by going to tv.emk.at.
You may subscribe to receive our monthly newsletter and other occasional updates by sending your request to esumc@emk.at.
Lastly, we invite your support of our ministry in 2025. You may make your confidential Estimate of Giving by following the link below:
We welcome you to our community of faith!
Click for online worship!
Meet our Pastor!
The Rev. John Calhoun is an ordained elder of the New York Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, and a missionary of the UMC General Board of Global Ministries.
Pastor John has served with ESUMC since 2020. He and his wife, Noel, have two sons, Nick and Ben, who study at university in the US.
Latest News

Daniel Mohr invites ESUMC young adults to another clothing exchange and evening of fellowship on Monday 10 February at church.
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ESUMC music director Marilyn Brandl invites members and friends to share their talents on Saturday 15 February, and to bring a finger food for the meal following the event.
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All ESUMC members and friends are invited to take part in our annual church meeting immediately following the worship service.
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Join us on Saturday 8 March for "Wrestling with the Angel," a spiritual retreat to bless our Lenten journey, to be led by Father Ed Hone and sponsored by the ecumenical English-speaking community in Vienna.
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After a break over the holiday season, the renovation of our sanctuary will resume shortly.
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Our Wärmestube served dozens of meals to our neighbors on Christmas Eve. Join us in ministry every Tuesday throughout the winter season.
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In 2025, ESUMC will host Vacation Bible School for children aged 5 to 12 during the week of 21-25 July. The theme will be "Building God's Kingdom." Stay tuned for more details!
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During the Sunday worship service each week, following a special Children's Time moment, Sunday School is offered for all children aged 6 to 14. A designated nursery room is also available. We are presently seeking volunteers to serve as Sunday School teachers and assistants. For more information on our Sunday School program, please speak with our Christian Education coordinator Shelley Brauneis, or click below to send an email.
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Under the leadership of Simone Viljoen, ESUMC's Lay Delegate to the Annual Conference, the UMC in Austria has issued a statement on "Creation Responsibility."
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Join ESUMC's new Congregational Care Team, as we provide spiritual and physical support to fellow church members.
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Help repair and restore our two historic instruments with your donations.
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UMC in Austria Superintendent Stefan Schröckenfuchs, a delegate to the recent General Conference, shares his reflections on this historic meeting.
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Pastor, Superintendent

As a global connectional church, the UMC of Austria is in relationship with the UMC in Ukraine and neighboring countries. UMC congregations in Poland and other areas are already caring for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. ESUMC members and friends are encouraged to support these relief efforts by donating through our partner mission agency Diakonie. At present, this is the quickest way to help Ukrainians in need. Please click on "read more" below to be directed to the Diakonie donation platform (in German).
read moreMinistry Information
ESUMC Celebrates Vacation Bible School!
During 22-26 July, twelve children from our community took part in a blessed week of fun, fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth. We give our thanks to Shelley, Noussi, and the entire VBS team for creating such a great week for our children through the theme, "Growing God's Garden." Our next VBS will be held during 21-25 July 2025!

Annual BBQ in Grünbach
We thank you, Andrew, for hosting our September 2024 BBQ and Hike in Grünbach Nearly 100 ESUMC members and friends took part in this joyful celebration!

Join Our Music Ministry
ESUMC hosts three choirs for adults (Chancel Choir, African Singers and Drummers, Vienna International Gospel Choir) and the Sing Out Choir for children and youth. Our choirs regularly sing in services of worship, and all are welcome to join! For more information, speak with our music director Marilyn, or write to esumc@emk.at.

Thank you for your support of the Wärmestube!
We thank all ESUMC members and friends for your support of the Wärmestube ministry. During the winter season, we served more than 1,500 meals to persons in our community in need, and donated hundreds of canned goods, personal care products, and items of clothing each week. We give thanks to God for your generous and caring spirit. The new Wärmestube season begins on 3 December 2024.

Donate in Support of ESUMC
Please give generously in support of the ministry of ESUMC:
IBAN: AT23 1200 0006 2016 1208

Volunteer with ESUMC
You are invited to volunteer in service with our ministry.
To indicate your area of interest, please complete this short online form: