The Spirit of Giving at the Wärmestube


Every Tuesday, the United Methodist congregations at Sechshauser Strasse provide warm meals, medical care, and spirited Christian hospitality to members of our community in need. Already this winter, we are serving up to 100 persons each week in the Wärmestube.
On 17 December, the Wärmestube celebrated Christmas with a bountiful home-cooked meal, the reading of the gospel narrative, and special music by Maria Tobler Kudaya and David Slater. On 24 December, Christmas Eve, guests of the Wärmestube received special gifts, home-baked cookies, and other treats for the season. We thank Barbara Gibson and Hannah Baumann for leading the drive to collect and package cookies, and thanks to all who baked and donated goodies.
The Wärmestube ministry serves the community every Tuesday through March. The doors of the church are open for meals and fellowship from 11:00 to 14:30. Volunteers are needed starting at 10:00 (to prepare the meals for serving) until 15:00 (to assist with clean up). You are welcome to volunteer for some or all of this time, either every Tuesday or as able.
We also invite you to bring to Sunday worship the following items: single-sized canned goods of ready-made meals (Reisfleisch, Goulash, etc.), personal care items (hair and body wash, toothpaste, etc.) in small sizes, and new and used clothing in good condition.
For more information about the Wärmestube, or to register to volunteer, please speak with Jutta, Barbara, Pastor John, or send an email to
We thank you for your support, and look forward to having you serve with us this winter at the Wärmestube.