Christmas at the Wärmestube


On Tuesday 19 December, volunteers from ESUMC and the Fünfhaus congregation welcomed about 70 guests from the community for our annual Christmas celebration at the Wärmestube.
At two separate times during the serving of warm meals, we paused for a short program of Christmas music and readings. Maria Tobler Kudaya and David Slater played a series of hymns on the recorder, Pastor John read the Christmas gospel in English, and Pastor Stefan read the same gospel in German and shared a short story about the true meaning of the season.
We give special thanks to Barbara Gibson, Hannah Baumann, and Melissa and Wilfried Scherer for organizing and contributing to the baking of cookies, which were wrapped and given to each guest in attendance, and to all who brought baked items for the day.
Please continue to support the Wärmestube by volunteering on Tuesdays anytime from 10:00 (to prepare the meals for serving) until 15:00 (to assist with clean up).
We also invite you to bring to Sunday worship the following items: single-sized canned goods of ready-made meals (Reisfleisch, Gulasch, etc.), personal care items (hair and body wash, toothpaste, etc.) in small sizes, and new and used clothing in good condition.
For more information about the Wärmestube, or to volunteer, please speak with Beate Eysinger or Pastor John, or email to Thank you!