ESUMC Newsletter
April 2024
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ, and Happy Easter! I pray that your celebration of the resurrection has been a joyous time of thanksgiving.
It was a great blessing to gather in our sanctuary these last few days, as together we commemorated the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. I express my gratitude to all our church members who helped to lead our services of worship, by offering special music or accompaniment, reading the Scripture lessons of the Passion, teaching our children, lifting up prayers, and providing for altar decorations and Holy Communion.
With this newsletter we share information on upcoming events and worship services in the life of the community. I pray that our celebration of Easter will newly inspire you to engage in Christian worship and fellowship, and find ways to love and serve others in the name of our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking

Im Sinne ihres Engagements für die Bewahrung der Schöpfung laden die Jungen Erwachsenen der Englischsprachigen Gemeinde Wien zum Kleidertausch am Freitag, 20. April. Alle sind willkommen!
Vienna English-speaking
- Apostelgeschichte 4,32-35
- 1.Johannes 1,1 – 2-2
- Johannes 20,19-31

- Apostelgeschichte 3,12-19
- 1.Johannes 3,1-7
- Lukas 24,36b-48

- Apostelgeschichte 4,5-12
- 1.Johannes 3,16-24
- Johannes 10,11-18
- Apostelgeschichte 8,26-40
- 1.Johannes 4,7-21
- Johannes 15,1-8