ESUMC Update
Mid-December 2023
Dear friends in Christ,
As we continue in this Advent season of watching and preparing for the coming of Christ, I pray God's blessings and peace upon you and your loved ones.
It was a joy to witness the children and youth of our congregation celebrate the true meaning of Christmas during their presentation last Sunday. We thank all of the children and youth who participated in spite of the illnesses that forced a last minute change to the program. And we offer our thanks to Shelley and the Sunday School team for their spirited and joyful leadership, and to Marilyn and Deborah for their blessed musical direction.
Join us for worship this Sunday at 11:15 for a special Service of Lessons and Carols. And I look forward to seeing you for our two servcies on Sunday 24 December:
- at 11:15 for our Fourth Sunday of Advent worship service
- at 18:00 for our Christmas Eve service of candle lighting and Holy Communion.
Lastly, we encourage you to submit your Estimate of Giving for 2024 by the end of December. You may pick up a form in the fellowship area in church, or make your statement of support online via this dedicated link:
ESUMC 2024 Estimate of Giving Form
May God's peace be upon you, as we remain alert for the coming of Christ.
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking
Vienna English-speaking
- Jesaja 61,1-4 und 8-11
- 1.Thessalonicher 5,16-24
- Johannes 1,6-8 und 19-28

- Jesaja 9,1-6
- Titus 2,11-14
- Lukas 2,1-20

- Jesaja 61,10–62,3
- Galater 4,4-7
- Lukas 2,22-40