ESUMC Newsletter
November 2023
Dear friends in Christ,
Greetings and peace to you! It was such a blessing to gather in worship on Sunday to celebrate our annual Harvest Festival. Members and friends representing nations around the globe joined us for a service of music and song and dance, Scripture reading and prayer, and the giving of our offerings in support of God's mission in the world. We offer a special thanks to Marilyn Brandl for organizing and leading the music for the day, to John Kojo Ampia-Addison and our African Singers and Drummers for their spirited musical offerings, and to Lorraine Welch-Haslinger and Franz Haslinger for their leadership in decorating the altar and arranging our worship and fellowship space. We thank God for all our volunteers who made the day such a blessing.
Looking ahead, November is Stewardship Month at ESUMC. Throughout the month, we will be reminded of the many gifts and talents we have received, and how God is calling us to share our talents with others, to God's glory. I invite you to read Delia's article below, participate in our "coin collection" this month, and prepare to make your annual Estimate of Giving in support of ESUMC in 2024.
Also below you shall find articles on upcoming events for our young families and young adults, an update on our commitment to creation care, and other news from the congregation.
May God's blessing and peace be with you!
Yours in Christ, Pastor John

Neues aus der Gemeinde
Vienna English-speaking

Learn how you can support the spiritual, mental, and physical well-being of those you love, by Daniel Mohr.
Vienna English-speaking
- Josua 3,7-17
- 1.Thessalonicher 2,9-13
- Matthäus 23,1-12

- Josua 24,1-3a und 14-25
- 1.Thessalonicher 4,13-18
- Matthäus 25,1-13

- Richter 4,1-7
- 1.Thessalonicher 5,1-11
- Matthäus 25,14-30

- Ezechiel 34,11-16 und 20-24
- Epheser 1,15-23
- Matthäus 25,31-46

- Jesaja 63,19b – 64,8
- 1.Korinther 1,3-9
- Markus 13,24-37